Category Archives: Day to day

Holding a lamb

The weather outside is frightful – well, it’s beautiful but cold as ______ (you fill in the blank).  There’s a heap of snow.  It coats the tree branches, making the woods look like Narnia.  The birds are hungry, and they … Continue reading

Posted in Day to day, Memoir | 4 Comments

Dinner parties and mountain climbing

Tonight two couples are coming for dinner.  One is a couple from Alaska that Jerry enjoys talking to, because his favorite subject is Alaska.  The other is my second cousin, Jon and his wife.  Jon and I are both from … Continue reading

Posted in Day to day, Memoir | 2 Comments


I wonder why we spend so much time with doctors, hospitals and waiting rooms.  Jerry has heart problems, and I have some minor reproductive issues that involve pap smears a couple of times a year.  Then there are mammograms.  And … Continue reading

Posted in Day to day | 2 Comments

The last day of dry dock

The last day of dry dock was yesterday, September 26, 2008. Dry dock lasts for 3 weeks and is the time when our car ferry, which carries about 25 cars, sails off to Seattle for annual repairs, painting, and general … Continue reading

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