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Category Archives: Day to day
Sunday morning. I sit at my desk, looking out on the back yard. The bird feeders are filled and soon birds will come to stuff themselves. Not bright spring birds, dressed in orange, yellow, red and pink courting plumage, but … Continue reading
Posted in Day to day
Summer is ending; what’s next?
I come home from trips and fall back into my soft routine. It goes like this: Up in the morning at 6:30 or 7:00. Let dogs and cat out. Make bed, quick shower, get dressed. Jerry has started tea for … Continue reading
Inside the narrow boat
Several people have asked to see pictures of the inside of the Duchess’ boat. I only have a couple and they don’t do justice to its cosy comfort, but here they are. The first was taken on Boxing Day 2 … Continue reading
Across the ocean and back again
I am home again. I flew into Vancouver on Saturday from London. My trip was a good one. I vacillated a long time about whether to go or not, and I am glad I went. The flights are always hard. On … Continue reading
Saying Goodbye
I am going to England. I am going to see my beautiful daughter and 3 of her beautiful children. I am going to help my daughter move out of the house she has lived in for 25 years. We will … Continue reading
A day in town
I don’t know the exact reason why we have reduced our town trips to average one a week. It’s partly because the ferry fare has gone up so much – it costs about $8 for the 2 of us and the car. … Continue reading
The drive from Alaska
We just drove from Manley Hot Springs to Lummi Island. We left on Wednesday May 27, after Jerry spent the morning getting every drop of water out of the pipes, just in case we don’t get back before next winter when … Continue reading
Manley Hot Springs, past and present
Yesterday, Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, we spent most of the afternoon at a celebration of the 50 th year since the establishment of the Manley school, now called the Gladys Dart Manley Hot Springs School. Gladys herself organized the … Continue reading
Blog and painting blues, Fluffy senses danger and other non-events
We’ve had some quiet, good days. Jerry is building new steps for the deck. I have painted 2 more miniatures for Mah Jongg prizes. Mah Jongg will be at my house this week. One painting is a caribou with mountains … Continue reading
Posted in Alaska, Day to day
Days pass, and now a heat wave
April 28: When we arrived 4 weeks ago the snow was almost waist deep and we had to shovel our way to our house. Night temperatures were from 15 below to the teens, daytime highs in the teens or low … Continue reading
Posted in Alaska, Day to day